Here's what we found on my macbook air 10.8.5 after I connected to my cisco usb-management port.
( device tty.usbmodem1411 )
Next we use the integral macosx screen program and specify the full device path. ( see the cmd above & the highlighted blue part )
After execution, you will now have access to your cisco devices console. Alternative, you could have a free terminal program such as Zterm.
NOTE: If you suspect the port is not operative use the macosx "system_profiler SPUSBDataType" it will show the USB port #.
( output shorten )
Key points to take away
- search and list the usb device name after connecting the usb cable
- you don't need a usb-2-serial dongle any more
- screen by default and when used with a tty devices, defaults to 9600 8 n 1
- you can't use the RJ45 console at the same time
Ken Felix
Freelance Network & Security Engineer
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