Here's a simple way to force a QUIC connection & to test if your Chrome browser has support for QUIC connections to a website and if your firewall and proxy support QUIC.
from the cli ( macOSX in my case ) , we set the quick enable and the server name:port that we are connecting to;
example cli command open launching chrome

/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --enable-quic --origin-to-force-quic-on<sitename:port#:80> http://<sitename>
2> Now you can monitor these from the chrome browser using the chrome integral URL for quic connections
insert the following in a new window tab

This is a sure way to enable QUIC connection and to monitor them. If the site is not available for QUIC you will get the classic quic connection error in your browser indicating the protocol

You can also inspect TLS over QUIC via the "https" icon if you want to inspect SSL/TLS and QUIC support or use tshark.
( https over up port 443 )
notice udp as the transport

If SSL/TLS support is not supported or fails, you unix shell will display the following output upon launching

NSE Network Security Engineer
{ Fortigate, PaloAlto , CiscoASA }
kfelix a...t
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