By using the openssl x509 we can review what's the certificate type and if it's a CA certificate.
Take this certificate chain where we have two certificats and we want to find out which one is a CA certificate from a usage standpoint

Notice the CA: TRUE vrs the CA:FALSE if the former is set, then that's a indication it top of the chain and as a rootCA or intermediate certificate.
Take this Entrust Chain where we have a root, plus 2 intermediate certificates and finally the server
( I'm showing the CA: flags for the root and intermediates outputs truncated )

( now at the end of the chain we have the server certificate, notice the CA:FALSE )

So you have a few means for validate the certificate and it's usage.
NSE ( network security expert) and Route/Switching Engineer
kfelix -----a----t---- socpuppets ---dot---com
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