Monday, September 30, 2013

VPN tunnels IOS-XR

In this blog, we will look at a vpn tunnel-ipsec config. IOS-XR support  tunnels and ipsec tunnels.  A  basic gre tunnel looks similar to something like the below.

show run interface tunnel-ip 12

interface tunnel-ip12
 description grr0 tunnel to juniper-CR1SEA01
 ipv4 address
 load-interval 30
 tunnel source
 keepalive 30 3
 tunnel destination

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
              ti12          up          up         TUNNEL_GRE  1500        100

Okay, so what about vpn tunnels?

They have a tunnel naming convention of tunnel-ipsec xxx. And you can  re-use a tunnel-ip ## for a tunnel-ipsec interface,  but it's best practice to give each tunnel a unique imho.


show int tunnel-ipsec 99 br
Wed Sep 01 03:44:31.166 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)
               ti99          up          up              IPSec  1476          0

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:LACORE1#show int tunnel-ip 99 br   
Wed Sep 01 03:44:41.493 UTC

               Intf       Intf        LineP              Encap  MTU        BW
               Name       State       State               Type (byte)    (Kbps)

               ti99        down        down         TUNNEL_GRE  1500        100

So let's look at the step for vpn ipsec tunnels.

1st define your ike policies;

crypto isakmp policy 1
 authentication pre-share
 encryption 3des
 lifetime 86400
crypto isakmp policy 10
 authentication pre-share
 group 2
 encryption 3des
crypto isakmp policy 20
 authentication pre-share
 hash md5
 group 2
 encryption 3des
crypto isakmp policy 30
 authentication pre-share
 group 2
 encryption aes
crypto isakmp policy 40
 authentication pre-share
 hash md5
 group 2
 encryption aes

don't forget to enable isakmp;

crypto isakmp

and you can verify it's enabled via the following show command  <show crypto isaskmp > ;

sh crypto isakmp 
Wed Sep 01 03:47:02.523 UTC
ISAKMP is enable
  Keepalive not set
  Identity set (IP)

Okay now, we can start the heart of the configuration. Craft your keyring;

crypto keyring key1 vrf default
 pre-shared-key address key mybigkeyhere

Enable the  crypto logging status ( optional );

crypto logging tunnel-status

Build your ike profile and specific your keyring and identity method;

crypto isakmp profile isakmp_prof
 description IOS-XR VPN
 keyring key1
 self-identity address

Next we  build a  transform set and ipsec profile where we specify the transform(s) in the profile;

crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-md5
 transform esp-aes esp-md5-hmac
 mode tunnel
crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-sha
 transform esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
 mode tunnel
crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-md5
 transform esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
 mode tunnel
crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-sha
 transform esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
 mode tunnel
crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-md5-1
 transform esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
 mode transport



ipv4 access-list kenfelixipsec
 10 permit ipv4 host
 20 permit ipv4 host

crypto ipsec profile ipsecprofile
 set pfs group2
 set type static
 match kenfelixipsec transform-set  ESP-AES-md5


and we craft our peer address
crypto isakmp peer address vrf default

 description "for socpuppets blog "

and we  apply the profile to our interface;

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:LACORE1#show run interface tunnel-ipsec 10
Wed Sep 01 03:56:22.061 UTC
interface tunnel-ipsec10
 profile ipsecprofile
 tunnel source Loopback5
 tunnel destination


We can get tunnel-ipsec details via the following show comamnd;

show crypto ipsec interface 
Wed Sep 01 03:58:08.406 UTC

--------------- IPSec interface ----------------
Interface tunnel-ipsec99, mode Tunnel, intf_handle 0x80001A0
Locations ,  VRF default (60000000)
Number of profiles 0, number of flows 0
Tunnel: source, destination, tunnel VRF default
DF-bit: Copy, pre-fragmentation Enable
default pmtu: 9216
No flows on this interface.

--------------- IPSec interface ----------------
Interface tunnel-ipsec10, mode Tunnel, intf_handle 0x80000A0
Locations ,  VRF  (60000000)
Number of profiles 1, number of flows 0
Tunnel: source, destination, tunnel VRF default
DF-bit: Copy, pre-fragmentation Enable
default pmtu: 9216

No flows on this interface.

Keep this thought in mind;

IOS-XR is limited on tunnel-mode and only supports ipv4 gre
If  you define policy type of "set type static" ios-xr  is acting on the peer defined..

A crypto profiles replaces the legacy crypto map

Ken Felix
Freelance Network / Security Engineer
kfelix  ----a---t---socpuppets ---d---o---t---com

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My friend is a new CCIE RS 40661

I got a surprised email from an friend of mine. He finally got his CCIE #. After maybe  16 months of testing and training,  he finally scored enough to earn the title of CCIE RS

Congrats out to Ed for this big achievement and a rare one at that. Best wishes for his next endeavor , but I 'm sure he's going to relax a little and smoke a cigar or something ;)

Ken Felix

Monday, September 23, 2013

Policing a host using the flow mask concepts ( CAT6.5K )

In a service-provider realm, we typically had shared medium. It could a be a virtual-host webserver , a privatevlan, or a host with numerous ip_alias

In this blog we will look at flow mask concepts and rate limiting via full mask or source or destination.

1st craft acl with the specific ip_host. let's say you  have a common shared lan but need to rate limit one host;

access-list 123 permit ip host any

2nd we craft a class-map using the ACL that we going to police

class-map badhost
 description "this cheap bastard is eating uop my shared env bandwidth"
 match access-group 123

And finally we match the class map to our policer and apply to the interface inbound

(you could also police outbound or via the ingress from the internet)

policy-map myonebadhost
 class badhost
 police flow mask src-only 128000 8000 conform-action transmit exceed action drop

int gi 8/12
  service-policy input myonebadhost

This is just one way of matching the source maskonly, maybe you want to police each flow on source and destination ( aka full mask ). So we will now rate limit on src+dst and each flow is seen unique.

The config would now look like the following;

policy-map myonebadhost
 class badhost
 police flow mask full-flow  128000 8000 conform-action transmit exceed action drop

And if you wanted to use the destination mask,

The config would now look like the following;

policy-map myonebadhost
 class badhost
 police flow mask dest-only  128000 8000 conform-action transmit exceed action drop

So keep in mind the flow mask and what they mean;

  • full-mask =  l3 source+destination
  • src-only   =  l3 source
  • dest-only =  l3 destination

So using my host & a full-mask would rate limit on each flow, while destination or source mask would rate limit on one or the other.

e.g ( full-mask  will rate-limit each one of theses,  as unique flows to the policed value )

TCP192.0.2.1:45551----->  ( 128kbps )
TCP192.0.2.1:45553----->  ( 128kbps )
TCP192.0.2.1:45584----->  ( 128kbps )
TCP192.0.2.1:45598----->  ( 128kbps )
TCP192.0.2.1:45609----->  ( 128kbps )

e.g ( src-mask-only  will rate-limit the host to the contracted value 128kbps  )

TCP192.0.2.1:45551----->    -------
TCP192.0.2.1:45553----->            |
TCP192.0.2.1:45584----->            | -----> 128kbps
TCP192.0.2.1:45598----->            |
TCP192.0.2.1:45609----->   --------

e.g ( dst-mask-only  will rate-limit the host to the contracted value 128kbps per-destination aggregated )

TCP192.0.2.1:45551-----> \
                                                                 ----> 128kbps
TCP192.0.2.1:45553-----> /

TCP192.0.2.1:45584----->  ---> 128kbps

TCP192.0.2.1:45598-----> --->  128kbps

TCP192.0.2.1:45609-----> --->  128kbps

Ken Felix
Freelance Network / Security Engineer
kfelix  ----a---t---socpuppets ---d---o---t---com

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Per ip_address flow rate-limiting

Have you ever had bandwidth hogs that kills your internet? And you want to rate limit their traffic.Here's a quick simple means based on the client source address.

1st craft a acl to match the client(s) or network(s)

e.g ( sales dept and networks 10.1.{0..3}.0/24 )

ip access-list extended sales
 remark "whitelist address here if any"
 deny   ip any

2nd, built flow record based on source-addr

flow record sales-profile1
 description "sales-profile"
 match ipv4 source address


Now we make map-class using the match-all  & apply this to a policy-map;

class-map match-all limit-sales
  match access-group name  sales
  match flow record sales-profile1
policy-map police-traffic
 description "set QoS level based on depts"
 class limit-sales
    police 1000000 80000

And you apply the policer to your interface and your are done. The match-all is critical since we want to match the src_address and then the specific /32 sources in the flow record.

Ken Felix
Freelance Network / Security Engineer
kfelix  ----a---t---socpuppets ---d---o---t---com

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Juniper SRX vpn automation tool

Here in this post, we will look at a VPN config tool. It's straight forward & simple to use if you don't want to learn how to build a vpn-ipsec tunnels.

In my former job, that was one lacking area;  "tools creation". We had a whole team allocated for tools creation, and it was pretty much sad. They stress standard tools for configuration, but they pretty much sucked at what they put together or the interface was convoluted or  badly written &  with no easy help/howto

The folks at juniper on the other hand, built a very well thought out tool, that's so simple to use. It straight forward, nice interface, and easy to follow that even a caveman can do it;

1st here a screen shot;

And the generated config details;

And finally the link to it all;

I want to highlight the following;

IMPORTANT NOTE: This tool does not perform error checking against your existing configuration.
If a misspelled or incorrect zone, interface or network address is specified, it may report errors when you copy the configuration onto your device

Just this morning, I rolled out 27 vpn-tunnels for a client of mine on a SRX3600b. I used this as my template but change the ipsec-policy from  the default standard to my own customize.

Ken Felix
Freelance Network / Security Engineer
kfelix  ----a---t---socpuppets ---d---o---t---com

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

ASA feature listing

In this post, I would like to share you a link that you can reference for  features in the cisco ASA software 

The above link  is a good location  to review  features per-asa  codesets.

Ken Felix
Freelance Network / Security Engineer
kfelix  ----a---t---socpuppets ---d---o---t---com

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

SSLVPN what happens if you don't specify a user-group as sslbpn type

In this quick and short blog, I wanted to share a issue where a user ( me ) had a sslvpn account,  but we forgot to apply the group as  a SSLVPN type.

Here's what happen upon numerous attempted logins , whikle  using the forti sslvpn client or browser;

Here's the  fwpoliciy that gave me my frustration, it looks good right ?

and the group;

Now here's the new fwpolicy with group that works;

So when  battling some things that doesn't work out, or  the outcome is not as expected; "take a deep breath and a few steps back and review  your config & use the diag commands".

Some times we missed the obvious,  by not looking policing our configurations  and/or we start swinging blindly at what we think is the problem.

I never thought to check  the group settings. The fix took only 2mins,  but I spent over 4+ hours checking my sslvpn client and re-issuing the username/password.

FWIW; Most problems with vpns, always comes down to a  mis-configuration.

Ken Felix
Freelance Network / Security Engineer
kfelix  ----a---t---socpuppets ---d---o---t---com

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A /128 link-local address, " is this normal" ?

I was doing some checking up on a anyconnect vpnclient  that's using ipv6  and notice my adapter was assigning 2 link-local address.

look here ;

So let's look at the ASA configuration. 

1st let's see what the ASA used for the group-policy and tunnel-group for my user;
( show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect )

Now for my group-policy for my user;

group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes
 dns-server value 2001:4860:4860::8844 2001:4860:4860::8888
 vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1 l2tp-ipsec ssl-client ssl-clientless
 split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
 split-tunnel-network-list value split-tun-ipsec
 default-domain value
 user-authentication enable

and the tunnel-group;

tunnel-group DefaultWEBVPNGroup general-attributes
 address-pool VPNPool03

and the corresponding ipv4 pool;

show ip local pool VPNPool03
Begin           End             Mask            Free     Held     In use      31        0        1

Okay so is this normal? A /128 prefix on a dialup sslvpn client ?  and a group-policy that's not enabled for ipv6? And then why 2  link-local address?

Will I was trying to read up on  this rfc &  on ipv6 and ppp;

Since the anyconnect virtual interface is enabled for ipv6, it uses this  unique link-local address. I'm guessing  after it attempts to establishing a PPP session, it crafts a link-local EUI48 address using the primary interface  mac_address. Remember, a ppp or serial interface, does not have a  mac_address. 

What I did find out, the  adapter will always generate a new link-local address upon establishment of connectivity;

( three new attempts gave me the following )

So if you take heed of the tentative scopeid, I believe it's using DAD ( duplicate address detection ) to ensure the  link-local-address is unique.

I will continue some more diagnostics and hopefully test this on a linux or windows anyconnect client soon.

Ken Felix
Freelance Network / Security Engineer
kfelix  ----a---t---socpuppets ---d---o---t---com

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Restricting VPN access cisco ASA

In this blog, we will look at 2  various methods to restrict a vpn user  access via a simple ACL.

The cisco ASA allows for ACLs;  that are group specific or user specific. User specific ACLs, over-rides any  group specific entries.

Take the user "user1", we want to allow him access to all host via ssh,  but not host So crafting a  user specific ACL, and applying that  to the username will accomplish this task.

Here's the config;

show run username user1
username user1 password xaI3t+nY5wjYQ2thSKJfoQ== nt-encrypted
username user1 attributes
 vpn-group-policy  MANAGEMENT
 vpn-filter value user1ac
 memberof MGT

So upon access and success authentication, the acl name  user1ac, will control his access.

show run access-list user1ac
access-list user1ac extended deny tcp any host eq ssh 
access-list user1ac extended permit tcp any any eq ssh 

Okay so let's test this out;

(ssh to );

airjordan:~ kfelix$ ssh
ssh: connect to host  port 22: Operation timed out

Now let's ssh to another host;
( ssh to host

airjordan:~ kfelix$ 
airjordan:~ kfelix$ ssh

Okay now, let's apply the same thing, but now to the vpn-group directly;

group-policy  MANAGEMENT attributes
 dns-server value
 vpn-filter value user1ac
 vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1 l2tp-ipsec ssl-client ssl-clientless
 split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
 split-tunnel-network-list value split-tun-managementonly
 default-domain value
 user-authentication enable

So now you have seen 2 way to restrict users. VPN groups allows you to  execute group specific  ACLs or user specific.

NOTE: If you make changes to the group-policy,  user-attribute or  the access-list, it will not take place till after the user has disconnect and re-authenticate.

Ken Felix
Freelance Network / Security Engineer
kfelix  ----a---t---socpuppets ---d---o---t---com

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

10 big differences between the Cisco ASA and the Fortinet Fortigate

In this post we will go over some of the difference between these 2 models of firewalls.

The cisco ASA and Fortinet Fortigate

1st  The licensing model 

Cisco has a whole gamlet of licensing that can be applied, and it can be quite confusing

Licensing is not additve ( e.g if you have 25 vpn peers and want  25 more, you have to buy a 50 vpn peer license  and can't buy a 25 peer license )

only has 1 or 2 license  types ( vdom and forticlients )

2: blackhole routes

You can't do this on a ASA.   Typically one relies on the next-hop device , or just ACL'ing off  the traffic

Supports blackhole routes via  null-interface

3 :Cisco Context vrs Fortigate VDOM


  • Cisco contexts are very restrictive, typically you are limited to  3-4 contexts ( except a ASA5505 no contexts available )  
  • Context in ASA don't support any remote-access vpn, and until recently no dynamic routing protocols. And then in multi context mode, your limited to just OSPF or EIGRP only (ipv4) and no dynamic routing protocols for ipv6
  • Also the context configuration files management, is awkward and confusing,  the first time that you deploy the configurations files
  •  Just the pure enabling of  the multi mode context  feature,  requires a reboot


  • Supports a minimum of 10 vdom ( virtual domains )
  • Vdom supports all open routing protocols  ( rip,ospf,bgp,is-is) , and not as restrictive. 
  • No reboot required for enabling vdoms
  • by default all interfaces are part of the vdom root, so enabling  vdom support does not drop any interfaces/policies or configurations if your going from a vdom-less to vdom-concept
  • one big configuration file, with no separations for the unique vdoms

4: IPv6 support

  getting better, but ipv6 support is still quite new  in the ASA lineup

  been ipv6 enabled for at least 6+ years now, but we still don't have OSPFv3 authentication :(

5: Fwpolicies

Uses  a ACL approach for the ingress/egress interface and no other direction is requires
Cisco also eliminates duplicate  by disallowing the entry of  duplicate acl lines within a single access-list

Policies are built between zones to zone or interface to interface similar to juniper. Duplicates can be installed with no warning, causing issues when auditing policies

6: Intrusion detection

  • Supports for custom rules, but not very user friendly
  • auto-updates are not as easy to allow
  • limited number of rules
  • requires some IDS engine or card and managed separately & possible license restrictions

  • support for custom rules
  • auto-updates pretty much every day
  • IDS protection is part of the appliance hardware ( no add-on card/module, no special licensing or restrictions )
  • Fortinet fortiguard is quite awesome and very mature and advance

7: remote-managemnt

Both unit allows for common management protocols with the fortinet allowing you to changing ssh/telnet ports and restricting access to a user. It also has a fail-login delay block, to protect from brute-force or mis-used from failed logins

8: flow data exportation

netflow v9 , but it's not similar to netflow v9 that most  routers exports, could cause issues with certain collectors

sflow only ( no netflow support )

9: VPN restrictions

Numerous license models, this  limits the number of peers regardless of type;  clientless vrs client sslvpn , ipsec,l2tp-ipsec

VPN numbers are limited only by the hardware chassis make

10: Traffic Inspection & processing

Only traffic moving from a  lower to higher security-level , needs an acl entry ( security-level concept )

All traffic passing between interfaces on a fortigate, needs fwpolicy.

Ken Felix
Freelance Network / Security Engineer
kfelix  ----a---t---socpuppets ---d---o---t---com

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