In this post, I will show you how to gather bulk interface gathering details.
For example, you have a firewall model that has numerous interface, it can be slow and time consuming to execute
diag cmd per interface.
Take this FGT3240, we will build a script that allow us to run thru all 28ports and drop the diad commands of interest.
Than I will show how you can gather the status using a unix ssh client.
1: here's the script.
( this unit runs multi-vdom ...drop the globla cfg if your single vdom )
for ((a=1; a <= 28; a++))
echo -e "config global"
echo -e "diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic port$a | grep _drop \n"
echo -e "diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic port$a | grep _dp_ \n"
echo -e "diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic port$a | grep err \n"
echo -e "diag hardware deviceinfo nic port$a | grep over \n"
echo -e "end\n"
2: Now the fun part to execute this you could do the following;
./<> | ssh <username>@firewall.address > myoutput.`date +%Z%T_%F`
3: Here's a netlink script and statistic collection plus clearing;
for ((a=1; a <= 28; a++))
echo -e "config vdom \n"
echo -e "edit root \n"
echo -e "diag netlink interface list port$a \n"
echo -e "diag netlink interface clear port$a \n"
echo -e "end \n"
YMMV but you can get very creative and use this in custom "Expect" scripts or in nagios | syslog-ng for alert triggers when a condition exists.
and syslog-ng with source and destination filters would be a simple bash script that runs the and directs the output into sendmail | socfwmongrp1@ | mail -s " ALERT ME ` date +%F_%T` -c
Just ensure you have the correct syslog message for the trigger
Ken Felix
NSE ( network security expert) and Route/Switching Engineer
kfelix -----a----t---- socpuppets ---dot---com
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